The High Ground at Gettysburg

Leadership Lessons for the Battles You Face
Registration Info - Click HereLife and Leadership & Liminality

In over 25 years of Christian ministry, there has not been a conference that has leadership lessons, hands on interaction, and applicable principles that I have learned from and enjoyed as much as this one!

Tyrone P. Jones

Pastor, Calvary Temple of Christ, Yuma AZ

Over more than 40 years of ministry, I’ve had opportunity to attend many professional leadership conferences. NONE was as valuable as your “High Ground at Gettysburg” conference. You have crafted a truly great experience. Never quit.

Stu Weber

Pastor and Author of Tender Warrior

The High Ground at Gettysburg conference  is the best personal and leadership development experience I have been a part of. Jay and Laurie create a learning environment that is second to none. The lessons on leadership from the battle and the Bible hit home every time (I have been to the conference 5 times). I love to bring colleagues and friends and each time they thank me for doing so.

Andy Wineman

Pastor, former staff with Cru, Flatirons Church

Fantastic! A True Three Dimensional Conference. The Gettysburg Leadership Conference is the singular best experiential learning experience I have ever been a part of–and having directed many such experiences with Leadership Network for the past ten years…that says a lot. Bring your leadership team and you will love it and benefit from it tremendously!

Eric Swanson

Missional Specialist, Leadership Network

 New Leadership Team

Gary Schmalz, Ashley Holleman, and Lori Lehman will soon assume responsibility for the leadership conferences that we have led for over 25 years. It’s time to pass the baton; this team has been preparing for over two years and they are ready.

They will bring fresh gifts and personal experiences while maintaining a commitment to the principles and practical lessons developed over 25 years. They are amazing.

We sense God’s blessing and believe that this new leadership team will guide the conference into the future.

—Shoulder to shoulder, Jay and Laurie


We offer an experiential leadership experience on the fields of Gettysburg.  You’ll not only learn the history of the battle but also how leaders enable others to stay, fight and win in the battles they face.


  • The Identity of the Leader Find Your True Identity as a Leader
  • Foresight Know What to Do By Learning to See the Future
  • Leadership Nerve Leading in Emotionally Networked Teams/Organizations
  • The Critical Tasks of the Leader Discover the Heart and Soul of Leadership
  • Flying the Flag Understand the Leader’s Use of “Colors”
  • Cause and Community Answer Why People Stay and Fight
  • The Language of Leadership Learn How The Best Leaders Communicate
  • The Gospel Courageous and the Gospel Corrective Leader Probe the Challenge of the Leader’s Impact on Systemic Injustice and How Leaders Must Be Both Gospel Courageous (Justification) and Gospel Corrective (Justice)
  • US Christian Commission (USCC) and its Role in the Civil War Learn how Chaplains and USCC Agents Cooperated During the Civil War
Gary and Cristen Schmalz

Gary and Cristen Schmalz


For 30 years, through Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru), we have been planning and executing small group meetings, programs, and events to see men and women grow in their spiritual leadership skills. We really do enjoy people. In addition to our public ministry, we have the privilege of raising four children: Kirby, Halle, Natalie, and Heidi. We have always considered ourselves as a “family on mission.”

We are excited to now co-host the High Ground at Gettysburg with Jay and Laurie.

Gettysburg is a special place to learn leadership through stories of the men who made good (and bad) decisions while leading thousands of men on mission. As a full-time missionary, former history teacher, and Army National Guard infantryman, I’ve (Gary) enjoyed learning about what happened here, and I am continuing to learn even more while on my own leadership journey. We believe these lessons will apply to your leadership arena, no matter what your “mission” might be at this time. Cristen and I are excited to serve you at the High Ground at Gettysburg.

Shoulder to shoulder,
Gary and Cristen Schmalz

Ashley and Heather Holleman

Ashley and Heather Holleman


For nearly 25 years, we have committed our lives to helping people connect with one another, with Jesus, and with the mission of helping others do the same. To see this happen, we served with Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru) for 20 years until 2023 when we launched our ministry, Seated and Sent, with Global Services Associates. Through Seated and Sent, we work with churches and ministries in the area of outreach to grow their desire and ability to serve others and help them experience the presence of God in their lives. As part of these efforts, we create and host leadership development venues where men and women grow as leaders and strengthen relationships with other mission-minded leaders.

So, as you might imagine, we are excited to now team with Jay and Laurie, and Gary and Cristen to co-host the High Ground at Gettysburg with them. We’ve been connected to this conference annually for the past 15 years; it’s the best immersive and experiential leadership development venue we’ve ever been a part of. We are thrilled to help the stories of the Battle of Gettysburg come alive for you and to share and move the battlefield leadership lessons learned and demonstrated there from the fields of Gettysburg into your lives and missions as leaders.


Lori Lehman

Lori Lehman


Rich and I have been married for over 30 years.  We have adult twin children and two wonderful grandchildren.  While my titles include Nana, Mom, Wife, Aunt, Sister, etc, my most important title is a child of God.  I love to serve wherever God leads me.  I have served hospice patients, young children in Awana, and church members as a greeter, usher, and finance committee member, among many other capacities. For over 30 years, I worked in the marketplace as a CPA and later as a Real Estate Agent. 

I now get the opportunity to use my gift of administration to help leaders prepare for the battles they each engage in in their own vocations. I am really excited to be on this team and serve you during your time in Gettysburg. 

Lori Lehman


(Over the last few years, we have been offering special conferences for church or missional leadership teams. Contact Jay and Laurie at Jaylorenzen @ gmail. com (no spaces) for info. )

Reading/Viewing Assignments (the following assignments are critical to the leadership experience, if you can’t complete them please consider a future conference.)
Prior to arrival, please read & view the following:
In the Name of Jesus by Henri Nouwen (buy it)
The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara (buy it)
and please view:”Gettysburg”, Turner Movies (all 4 hours of double sided DVD)

Location: New Hotel!  Best Western Hotel Gettysburg
Please do not contact the hotel directly. We will make all the reservations for the participants. If you have some special needs, please include them in your registration comments. Laurie will contact the hotel for you. Thank you.

We will use private and/or rental cars or vans for transportation around the battlefield.  If driving, and you rent a mini-van, would you consider driving during our battlefield tours.  If so, we would probably assign at least 5 total conferees to your van and will cover your gas expenses during the conference. Email us for any questions. 
* Arrival: If you fly into BWI or Dulles on Monday, plan to arrive by 12 noon.  This will give you chance to get your rental car/van in time to arrive at Gettysburg by 2:30 pm or so.  We’ll start our first battlefield tour at 4 pm sharp and it will set the stage for the whole conference.  Please work out your schedule to arrive rested.  We’ll have a full schedule for all four days.
Departure: Feel free to depart anytime on Friday morning, but remember that it’s about a 2-hour drive to each location.  Most folks plan their departure flights for not earlier than 11 am on Friday.

Items to Bring: Both assigned books; Bible (Old and New Testaments) – small, portable; Pens and Notebook (we’ll provide a Field Manual, but you might want a separate notebook); Money for souvenirs, etc; snacks during tours on your own.

Clothing:  Hiking shoes (we’ll do quite a bit of walking, at times thru muddy fields); Bring layered, comfortable clothing – jeans, rain/wind jacket, shorts for a sunny day; We’ll be doing a horse ride – rain or shine – so bring a good rain coat.

Cost:  $1050 based on double occupancy/$1300 for single occupancy – covers battlefield tours, maps, field manual, rooms, meals, tickets, horse-ride, materials, re-enactor musket shooting or other activity, etc–all expenses once you arrive in Gettysburg. The cost of transportation to/from Gettysburg is not included.

Optional Storytelling Pre-Conference:  We have started offering pre-conference training in storytelling—for interested participants (min/max of 4-5 storytellers). If you are interested, please email jay at jaylorenzen @ gmail. com (no spaces). We’d start on Saturday afternoon before the conference and work together to prepare pre-selected battlefield stories. Participants will share their prepared stories live during the conference. Training is free, but there will be additional costs for hotel rooms/meals, etc.

If you have specific questions, please contact us at: jaylorenzen @ gmail. com (no spaces) or 719-338-9337 or 719-650-9901 Thanks, Jay and Laurie Lorenzen

Registration is closed for the October 2024 Conferences. Check back here in early November to register for April 7-11, 2025.

Registration Closed for  October Conferences

Check back here in November to register for next year’s conference (April 7-11, 2025). 

The cost of the conference is currently $1050.00 per person, based on double occupancy (additional expense per night, if single room requested–making the total cost $1300). This covers battlefield tours, museums, maps, rooms, meals, museum tickets, conference materials, horse rides, musket shoots, etc. . .  In other words, all-conference expenses in Gettysburg.

Also, this conference requires some physical exertion–walking different engagements (about a mile), horse rides, getting in and out of vehicles and walking to nearby sites, etc.

We’ll be asking team leaders and/or others to secure mini-vans for use during battlefield tours. Most teams secure mini-vans for joint travel to/from Gettysburg.


After you have registered, we’ll hold your place. We will accept payment at the conference itself–either by check or credit card. We also assume that you will attend unless an emergency requires you to cancel. Thank you.


Required Reading and Viewing Assignments

A book worth reading every year!

Won the Pulitzer Prize–Prose Poetry

Watch this within two weeks of conference. A long movie – 4 hours – but you’ll need it.

Life and Leadership: Reflections from a Lazy River

I (Jay) always wanted to have a better follow-up process for our Gettysburg leadership development conference. Years ago, I had developed a monthly “mailer” to the staff and volunteers of Cru military.


I’ve rebranded the idea “Life and Leadership: Monthly Reflections from a Lazy River” and wanted to offer it to those who’ve attended the conference in the past or to those considering joining us in the future.

To get an idea of the Life&Leadership content and to subscribe if you want, click on the link below. If you would like to receive these Monthly Reflections, you can subscribe at the link at the end of the example (and get access to past issues).  You can easily opt-out in the future if you don’t find the content helpful.

To directly sign-up for Life and Leadership, go here.

Also, to get a copy of the new Lessons on Liminality go here.

Recent Conference

Emmitsburg Road


Pickett's Charge

New Gettysburg CD Release

 LIVE&DIE: Ballads of the Blue and Gray


Zeke and Kora

I can’t believe that today, 12 years ago, Laurie and I welcomed Zeke and Kora to our family. I love all my grandchildren but I can never replace the impact they’ve had on our family and what they’ve taught us about the day when we’ll all stand shoulder to shoulder, on our knees before the throne of Jesus Christ, with every tongue and tribe and nation. Longing for that day. They added this beautiful dimension to my study and teaching of leadership–how critical it is for us to be both gospel courageous and gospel corrective as we develop leaders.

The Gettysburg Pilgrimage

On July 4th, 1863 a resident of Gettysburg emerged from his basement, profoundly aware of the carnage surrounding him, realizing that the Battle of Gettysburg might well be the turning point of the Civil War.  He said to his neighbor, “Gettysburg will one day be a place of national pilgrimage.” He was right.

The word pilgrimage comes from the Latin word peregrinus, which means a person wandering the earth in exile, someone in search of a spiritual homeland–a place of meaning.  The old saints thot of pilgrimage as a way of praying with your feet.  You go on a pilgrimage because you know there’s something missing inside your soul, and the only way you can find it is to go to sacred place, places where God made himself known to others.

“In sacred places, something gets done to you that you’ve been unable to do for yourself.”

Thomas Merton was a strong believer in pilgrimages and the spirituality of place.  He was drawn to sacred sites, not because he knew the places but because he believed the places knew him.

Over the last 10 years of hosting conferences in Gettysburg, I’ve always found Gettysburg to be one of these sacred places.   Laurie and I look forward to our 3-4 trips each year and the privilege of sharing lessons of leadership from the bible and the battle with the men and women who join us there.  We’ve been surprised how many experience the sacredness of the place and how the “storied geography” speaks to the heart.

It’s a place not only to study leadership, but also to experience “where great things were done for us (Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain).”  If you haven’t been before, we’d love for you to join us.


General Lee’s Army and Kingdom Leadership

General Lee’s Army and Kingdom Leadership

I've been working my way thru General Lee's Army by Glatthaar these last three weeks during our Gettysburg student leadership conference. I was struck over and over again by the critical nature of leadership in the battle between "flesh and blood." I'm confident the...

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Lincoln’s Leadership

Lincoln’s Leadership

I've enjoyed reading lots about Abraham Lincoln this year. I've been wanting to work out some principles of movement leadership based on his life-- here are some initial impressions and challenges: 1. Become an autodidact. Almost all biographers use the word...

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The Language of Leadership: Think Pink

The Language of Leadership: Think Pink

The Language of Leadership: Think Pink! We spend several sessions discussing the "language of leadership" at Gettysburg, arguing that the leader has a "palette" of words by which he paints visions in people's minds.  Our primary examples were Abraham Lincoln arguing...

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In great deeds something abides. On great fields something stays. Forms change and pass; bodies disappear, but spirits linger, to consecrate ground for the vision-place of souls.

And reverent men and women from afar, and generations that know us not and that we know not of, heart-drawn to see where and by whom great things were suffered and done for them, shall come to this deathless field to ponder and dream;

And lo! the shadow of a mighty presence shall wrap them in its bosom, and the power of the vision pass into their souls. – Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain